姓名:王旭 职称:研究员 学历:研究生 学位:博士
2003-09 至 2007-06, 东北林业大学,生命科学,学士
2007-09 至 2010-06, 东北林业大学,发育生物学,硕士
2010-07 至 2015-05, 德国马格德堡大学,生物学,博士
2015-06 至 2019-08, 德国马格德堡大学,博士后
2019-09 至今,温州医科大学,科研岗
2020-12 至今,温州医科大学,研究员
1.以第一/通讯作者在Acta Neuropathol、EMBO J等权威期刊发表论文 14 篇,其中 IF>10 论文9篇
4.担任 Journal of Molecular Medicine(IF = 5.606)副主编、中国药理学会抗炎免疫药理专委会青年委员、浙江省生物化学与分子生物学学会理事。
(1) Wang X, Deckert M, Xuan NT, Nishanth G, Just S, Waisman A, Naumann M, Schlüter D*. (2013) Astrocytic A20 ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by inhibiting NF-kappaB- and STAT1-dependent chemokine production in astrocytes. Acta Neuropathol. 2013, 126(5): 711-724 (IF=15.887)
(2) Wang X*, Mulas F, Yi W, Brunn A, Nishanth G, Just S, Waisman A, Brueck W, Deckert M, Schlüter D*. OTUB1 inhibits CNS autoimmunity by preventing IFN-γ-induced hyperactivation of astrocytes. EMBO J. 2019, 38(10). pii: e100947 (IF=14.012)
(3) Mulas F, Wang X*, Song S, Nishanth G, Yi W, Brunn A, Larsen P, Isermann B, Kalinke U, Barragan A, Naumann M, Deckert M, Schlüter D*. The Deubiquitinase OTUB1 Augments NF-κB-dependent Immune Responses in Dendritic Cells in Infection and Inflammation by Stabilizing UBC13. Cell Mol Immunol. 2021, 18(6): 1512-1527 (IF=22.096)
(4) Ruan J#, Schlüter D#, Naumann M, Waisman A, Wang X*. Ubiquitin-modifying enzymes as regulators of colitis. Trends Mol Med. 2022, 28(4): 304-318 (IF=15.272)
(5) Liu B#, Ruan J#, Chen M, Li Z, Manjengwa G, Schlüter D, Song W*, Wang X*. Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs): decipher underlying basis of neurodegenerative diseases. Mol Psychiatry. 2022, 27(1): 259-268 (IF=13.437)